Oba, D., Howe, H.S., & Fitzsimons, G.J. (conditionally accepted) Just teasing! Can brands build strong relationships by making fun of their consumers? Journal of Consumer Research
Howe, H.S., Wiener, H.J.D. & Chartrand, T.L. (2024) Money can buy me love: Gifts are a more effective form of acute social support than conversations. Journal of Consumer Psychology, doi: 10.1002/jcpy.1438
Howe, H.S. Zhou, L., Dias, R. & Fitzsimons, G. (2023) Aha vs. haha: Brands benefit more from being clever than from being funny. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33 (1), **107-114. doi: 10.1002/jcpy.1307
Howe, H.S., Fitzsimons, G. J. & Ubel, P. (2022) Open Science Online Grocery: A tool for studying choice context and food choice. Journal of the Association of Consumer Research, 7 (4), 393-402. doi: 10.1086/720449
Wiener, H.J.D., Howe, H.S. & Chartrand, T.L. (2022) Being there without being there: Gifts compensate for lack of in-person support. Psychology and Marketing, 39(6), 1267-1279. doi: **10.1002/mar.21645
DeCelles, K., Adams, G., Howe, H.S. & John, L.J. (2021). Anger damns the innocent: The paradox of anger in false accusations of wrongdoing. Psychological Science, 32(8), 1214–1226. doi: 10.1177/0956797621994770
Makara, A., Howe, H.S., Cooper, M., Heckert, K., Weiss, S., Kellom, K., Scharf, D., Ubel, P., Orloff, N, & Timko, C.A. (2023) Modifying an Open Science Online Grocery for use in nutritional education for parents of youth with anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorder Review. doi: **10.1002/eat.23902
Gitau, K.M., Howe, H.S., Ginsberg, L., Perl, J. & Ailon, J. (2022) Therapeutic cannabis use in kidney disease: A survey of Canadian nephrologists. Kidney Medicine, 4 (5). doi:10.1016/j.xkme.2022.100453
Murray, R. M., Howe, H. S., Sylvester, B. D., Willson, E. & Sabiston, C. M. (2021) Associations between resistance training motivation, behaviour and strength. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 20(3), 965-980. doi: 10.1080/1612197X.2021.1929400